Our Company

ARKONOR LLC is a Precision Marketing company. It was established to offer businesses an economic way to market their services that can grow as their company grows from startup to Fortune 500.



Precision Marketing is the culmination of almost ten years of market research from executives, buying managers, gatekeepers, and artificial intelligence (AI) analytics based on a 13 million record dataset.

Precision marketing is all about targeting the appropriate people at the right companies using their chosen mode of communication.

Our remote, precision marketing specialists acquire AI insights into target industries before focusing on suitable organizations.

A team of five precision marketing specialists starts at $5,000 per month.

5 dedicated Precision Marketing Specialists starting at $5k a month

Precision marketing offers you the exclusivity in the introduction, it’s all about you and your company and not about some algorithm. It is all about the people, the people who are going to buy your product.

Instead of hoping to be found, you are actively targeting companies and individuals, and educating them on new and different strategies to solve their problems.

What do you get?

A Growing List Of Qualified Leads
Real-Time Data Entry Directly Into Your CRM
A Standard Follow-Up Phone Call Script Designed To Establish A Dialogue


There are 3 primary reasons for hiring remote workers from the Philippines


The country has fluent English speakers

Most educated Filipinos are bilinguals and speak English as one of their languages

Work Ethic

Filipinos are known to be loyal, hardworking, and typically look for long term (if not lifetime) job placements.


You can hire candidates with advanced education and experience at a fraction of the cost of hiring in the US

Is it really that simple?

Yes, we take care of the heavy lifting, and you take care of the relationship building and closing deals.

Schedule a meeting today to find out how we can help you!

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